At some point, writers will have to conform to this line. And at the moment, that's where we're at. The original idea for this televisions series was thus:
Basically an ensemble peice that follows the different storylines of the housemates of a sharehouse. I think it would be cool to have 6 primary characters, 3 boys, 3 girls. With 1 male and 1 female as the leads.
Not that we've set ourselves a difficult task or anything - 'This series needs to sum up our collective sense of humour and views on creativity, growing up, sex, family, fuckwits, and identity.' This perfectly sums up what the goal of the project is. I don't use the term revolutionary lightly, but you know, labels are something other people use and if that's how they want to label us, I'm cool with that, you know. Whatever.
I'd like to share the influences that are currently inspiring us, if I may, and this is a mishmash, a hodgepodge, a hearty creative stew of inspirations for characters, moments, storylines, and structure. Please to enjoy!

Oh, and The Smiths, who know your pain, especially with songs like this.
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